Thursday, April 2, 2009

Feng Shui Meets Interior Decor

By Anna Holdaway

If youve been involved in business, marketing, or networking in any sense over the past 10 years, one thing is for certain. The consensus is that effective goal setting is paramount to achieving anything. Im a firm believer in the principles of Feng Shui, and have found that they can really assist in goal setting and mindset. Heres how.

Often times, we tend to think that those that are successful, or have reached their goals must be lucky or caught a break, etc. However, do we really stop and analyze the habits that perpetually successful individuals employ to achieve their success? In most cases we dont. One thing that most successful people have in common is that they transform their dreams into reality with effective goal setting. Feng Shui principles are very effective in helping one to individualize and internalize goals, helping you to keep the goal in focus, and motivate a person to work harder to achieve a goal. Here are some things that may help you internalize your goals.

1. Seeing Your Goals. Goals that are written, and posted in plain sight are much more likely to be met than goals that are just thought. Afterall, goals that arent written are really just dreams rather than goals. A great way to keep your goals in plain view, insuring youll see them day in, and day out is to put them where youll see them every day. A great way to do this is with vinyl lettering affixed to your walls with your written goals on them. You can even combine the goals with an inspirational quote that will help drive and motivate you towards your goals. Goals that are written are like that dirty pile of clothes on your bedroom floorif you look at it there every day, youre more likely to do the wash than if there were tucked away in a closet somewhere. Vinyl wall lettering offers a mechanism for prominently displaying your goals.

2. Images. Images are very powerful reminders of our goals. As the old atage goes: Seeing is Believing. If one of your goals is to own a new car, display an image of it where youll see it every day. This will motivate and drive you to work harder to make your dreams a reality. Visual reminders, such as pictures, are important. With the art of Feng Shui, symbols can be created and placed in prominent locations as a reminder of the goals you have set.

3. Work . How many of us can move a mountain with our mindI mean literally, without taking action. Nobody I know can. Accomplishing goals takes work. You have to make the effort. Once again, a well thought out set of goals is only a dream if youre not willing to put for the effort to make them a reality.

So, what does all of this have to do with Feng Shui anyhow? Well, the things weve talked about are basic principles of Feng Shui in that Feng Shui holds that your environment deeply affects your life, energy, and mindset. Creating an inspiring environment at both home and work is important to helping you achieve your goals. Also, in many cases I have used Japanese characters along with inspiring quotes in vinyl to affix to my walls, and the results are always beautiful.

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